All sales of wireless services are final and not eligible for return or refund.
We have a 14-day return policy on certain products. You may return most products that are complete, like new within 14 days from the purchase date. Sales of products (that is, hardware or equipment), except final sales or when otherwise stated at checkout, are eligible for exchange or a refund for the full amount of the items you purchased, excluding payment for handling fees and shipping. Refunds will only be issued to the same credit card or debit card or other form of payment used in the original transaction.
Wireless Creations may refuse a return or change a restocking fee when item returned is not like new. Examples of conditions that will lead to refused returns or restocking fees include when the items returned has: (1) a different serial number than the one when Wireless Creations shipped it; (2) missing parts or the original product packing material; (3) damage because it was improperly packaged for return shipment; or (4) been heavily used.
For most returns, Wireless Creations can issue you an UPS Authorized Return Shipping (ARS) label for a flat fee of $10 per package. Please email us to discuss. Some items require freight shipping and cost more to return. Return shipping costs are incurred by the customer.
To make a return call us at 646-813-7660 to request authorization. We will send you a ARS shipping label with your return authorization number.